Off -party holding
1st mtg, October 29, 2023 (Sunday) Comprehensive overview of Tenmon's works, Tenmon-san Q and A
[Event report]
We held an offline meeting at Yotsuya Hiroba for the first time in four years. Since Halloween was coming up, the organizer handed out sweets, and Yasshi, who is from Hida Takayama, handed out sweets of Hida Takayama. The morning session was the first gathering of Tenmon fans, and was hosted by Amamin. The session consisted of two pillars, LT and Q & A with Tenmon. During the self-introductions, participants at the venue introduced themselves, and Haru from South Korea, who was participating on Discord, also sent a self-introduction message, allowing for two-way interaction.
During LT, we listened to each phrase of Tenmon's works selected by the presenter (Moka), and Tenmon explained about the songs. After the offline meeting, Mr. Kishi pointed out that this content was insufficient.
There were no LTs who jumped in, but we received a comment from Haru from South Korea saying that he didn't have many opportunities to watch Chinese anime, but would like to take this opportunity to watch them because the music of "Link Click" was so good. When we were talking about Chinese anime such as "Shiki Oriori" CWF produced, we received a message from Haru that he had watched "Shiki Oriori" on Netflix. During QA session, Mr. Amamin prepared slides for each question and answer sent by Tenmon, and read them out loud. In response to each answer, some participants provided supplementary information and others shared their impressions. This session was so active that some said that they would watch it later, listen to it later. (*I am sorry but we cannot introduce Tenmon's answers here, as he requested that his answers be kept only for offline meeting participants.)
During the offline meeting, we also set aside time to watch Tenmon's performance videos. We were excited to see Tenmon holding an alcoholic drink called gasoline. During the lunch break, we introduced messages that Haru sent his impressions. I would like to show this message below and conclude my report about the 1st Tenmon Fan Gathering. It was a valuable offline meeting that allowed for exchange between Korea and Japan. Thank you for your participation.

[Apparently, at the Makoto Shinkai fan gathering in Korea, there are a lot of young people, especially ones became fans of Makoto Shinkai from "Your Name" and even "Suzume no Tojimari". (I guess I am the oldest.) Therefore, Many people found "Suzume no Tojimari" interesting, seeked other works, and found the name of Tenmon.] [On the contrary, I think fans of classic PC games may be more familiar with Tenmon. This is because in Korea, until Japanese culture import was allowed in 1998, Japanese game animation was not popular. It was difficult to own a game console like Super Famicom(Super NES), and it was uncommon for games to be translated into Hangul, so it was difficult to play games like Final Fantasy. Additionally Koreans are very passionate about education, so we did not want to spend much money to buy game consoles. However, for some reason, there was a strong perception that computers were the future industry and computer knowledge was necessary to be rich. Because of that, there may be more people who have played The Legend of Heroes or Vantage Master than people who have played Final Fantasy. Well, of course, I don't think there are many people who are interested in the music composer. This is normal I think as there are very few people who can immediately answer who is the composer of the music for Super Mario, the most famous game in the world... I think it's like that.]
Written by: Moka
Click here for the afternoon section Tenmon-san's work study group" & "Suzume no Toshime Blu-ray release commemoration" offline meeting - History of offline meetings - Gathering for fans of Makoto Shinkai's works

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